Sunday, March 22, 2009

Going Broke In Bolingbroke / What's Fair Is Fair!

Good evening friends,

A cow-worker, whoops, make that co-worker of mine has been bragging to everyone for the last umpteen years about the Cherry Blossom Festival in Macon. If you find yourself down there in Bibb County, you have to call it the Chayree Blossom Festival. I just call it the Red-Neck Fair, because of all the blooming idiots! Let's just say I had my hopes a little too high. There was said to be over 3000 Cherry trees and the town was supposed to be very beautiful and PINK. I guess I somehow expected all 3000 trees to be in the same area. Silly of me I suppose . I guess I didn't expect to have to walk the whole 175 square miles to see the trees, which were not yet fully bloomed. I pictured my sweetie and me walking thru this charming town, with pink blooming trees on both sides of the road. Nice, normal people strolling around, admiring the beautiful churches. Ducking into an occasional antique or junk shop. Listening to free concerts wafting in from the lawn. I never say "wafting" in real life unless it's something like "wafting down the wivver in a wubber waft". I admit, the first event was nice and enjoyable. It was the canine frisbee competition. Dogs are always them selves. They never put on. Of course some of the dogs wore clothes and I'm not talking about the redneck women! I feel sorry for a dog who is forced to dress for an occasion. These dogs were great! They all had great enthusiasm! But this one owner was kind of doofussy. He was a chubby fellow with a too small cowboy hat. His dog was missing the Frisbee most of the time. Not the dogs fault. he just was not yet ready for competition. The owner ended up having the dog run by and jump and he would put the frisbee in the dogs mouth. If you wear a cowboy hat, one of three things will occur. If you're handsome and well built, you can over come it. If your trousers are dusty, and your face is lined and weathered like Moroccan leather, like a real cowboy, you may be excused. All others just look like doofusses! We walked past the cotton candy and kettle corn and some really great smelling wings, turkey drumsticks and boiled peanuts and there we were at the snake show. We were taught how to respect snakes and leave them alone. They told us how to avoid getting snakebit. There was about 190 people watching that show. I'd bet that more of the 190 people attending will have future snake incidents after seeing the show than would have without seeing the show. We saw people line up to have their pictures taken with a sea lion resting his chin on top of their head. There was a Japanese fellow who was so amused that he stood to the side and took pictures of the strange Americans having their pictures made with a sea lion on top of their heads.

On the way home we fortunately, passed the I-75 exit to Bolingbroke, Ga. The sign clearly states "No Return Ramp". Imagine you're cruising down I-75 north and you decide to get off at Bolingbroke. Suppose you missed the sign, saying "You'll Be Sorrry!. You get off and enter your new home town, like it or not. You get a bite to eat and then look for the entrance ramp, but there is NONE! You invest in a motel room, breakfast, gas for the car. Before long you are broke. you now become a debtor to the town of Bolingbroke. You must work to pay off your debt and of course to pay for room and board. Consequently, you become a permanent resident/prisoner of Bolingbroke. Don't believe me? Ask everyone you meet, if they have been to Bolingbroke. No one has! Then you will know I write the truth! If perhaps someone says they have been to Bolingbroke and they seem to speak truth, check to see if they can bend all of their fingers or have antennae on the back of their head. These people are outer space cannibals and plan to suck as many humans into their trap as possible until there are none left.
The other explanation would be that the DOT ran out of funds after building the exit ramp and never got around to building the entrance ramp. I find that hard to believe. It's like those roach motels. they run inside and then can't get back out.

Oh well, let's just say I had a cultural weekend. That's when you have to see things you don't care a hoot about, in order to be considered tolerant, politically correct and socially acceptable.

Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Walter the Barbarian!

Hi Frenz,

Yes, with a name like Walter, I can be barbaric. Today, I cooked chicken and hamburger on the same grill - AT THE SAME TIME! How many of you have ever done that? Okay, the other day, I ate hamburger, right off the grill. still sizzling, juice still running, 20 % lean. No bread, just meat! Okay, I'm not exactly like Dagmar the Barbarian, collecting heads in a bag and hearts on a skewer for the barbque. I don't like killing anyway. never have. That's why I love the old movies. It's part of my mission, to get people to watch old uplifting movies that are fun, romantic or adventurous and pretty dogone clean! Now and then you get that in a modern movie, but you must wade through so much carp to get to it. Yes, I said carp. Not crap. If you know what carp is, it is just as effective as an adjective or noun. Same with music. Why do they keep making so much more music, when there is a wealth of great stuff that no one ever listens to? I know when the world will end. Not the date or the year, but the circumstance. The world will end when all of the songs have been written that can be written. I'd say that might be next week. There's just not that much original going on.
You might have guessed, I like the Beach Boys, but not for the car songs.
I got a '34 wagon and they call it a woodie,
Surf city her we come,
It's not very cherry, it's an oldie but a goodie,
Surf City, here we come.
Ya know, it aint got a back seat or a rear window,
but it still gets me where I wanna go.
Those are fun songs, but here's one I like better. It's a little deeper. It's about the relationship between a guy and his girl. But turn it around and look at it like a relationship between a man or woman and God.


I know perfectly well, I'm not where I should be,
I've been very aware you've been patient with me.
Each time when we break up, you bring back your love to me.
And after all I've done to you, how can it be, you still believe in me

I try hard to be more what you want me to be
But I can't help how I act when you're not here with me
I try hard to be strong, but sometimes I fail myself.
And after all I've promised you, so faithfully, you still believe in me.
I want to cry

Brian Wilson's voice is angelic and haunting at the same time. The words are moving enough, but when you hear the music and the melody, it would be hard to top this song.

Gotten or given any bad gifts lately? One lady at work has been whining because her husband once gave her a Mr. Potatoe Head for her anniversary, help me out Quayle. Not the adult one, just the regular one for kids. I think he was going by the redneck anniversary list. The third year is plastic. Spandex is number 4 and melted crayon is number 5. Once I gave my mother an astray made of melted crayons. Of course she never smoked. I guess it could be a gem-clip holder. Well my co-workers husband is getting a Ms. Potatoe Head for his birthday. I gave my wife hubcaps for the first Christmas after we were married. You must understand, I really loved (past, present and future) my wife. When we got married, I gave her my '69 Camaro. What greater love can one man have than he lay down his sports car for his wife'. while he drives an old leaky volkswagon fastback? She had mentioned that she felt like trailer trash, driving a car with two hubcaps missing. So, to protect her image and to lift her up, I wrapped up these hubcaps - these weren't just plain hubcaps. They were the center hubs for her rally wheels. So you can imagine, how they looked with the centers missing. Any woman driving this car would feel neglected, like carp! We'll you can probably guess that looking like trailer trash wasn't that big of a deal on Christmas morning. To her credit, she didn't kill me, even though she could have kept the car. Sadly, I haven't gotten much better at gift giving. But to this day I have never given her a Mr. Potatoe Head. My uncle used to take my aunt to the Hallmark aisle and pick out a card and say " This is the card I would get you, if I was getting you a card" He's still living, at 90 years old. I think she's just waiting for the right moment.
My cable is going away and I'm trying to figure out why I would miss it? Could it be the 14 Spanish channels? The Ping Pong channel, The Shuffle Board channel? the Miseryality shows?, The seven CSI channels. What is this Crime Scene Idolaters? Why do we care that much about crime scenes. When I was young, translate stupid, I used to say, if someone is going to die in an accident anyway, I'd like to see it. I am no longer that curious. I now have the happy priveledge of paying for stuff I used to get free. Basic tv and I still get to watch the commercials. You can get basic cable, high speed internet and phone service from charter now for 69.?? a month for 12 months. And $150 in rebates. If you are a present customer, just say you were going to cancel your service but you saw this offer. They switch you to their retention team and make you a deal. I wonder if life has a rentention team. When life gets bad, just say, I was thinking of checking out, unless you have a better deal. It's like Tom Hanks said in Joe Versus the Volcano (a great not so old movie). He said if something scares you so bad that you want to kill yourself, why don't you just try doing the thing first and then you can always kill yourself later if it doesn't work out. I also like the line from one of the 3 Meg Ryan characters, " I have no response for that". I use that one a lot.

Here's another Brian Wilson song:

I'm thinkin 'bout this old world
Late at night I think about the love of this whole world.
Lot's of different people everywhere,
And when I go anywhere, I see love, I see love, I see lo-o-ove

Good night, hope you all sleep well. If you're driving, please wait till you get home.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Walter Report - What's in a name?

Hello Friends!
I happen to have a good solid reliable name, "Walter". That name says, safe, dependable, status quo, boring, dull. I can relate to Kermit the Frog when he says "It's not easy being green". It's not easy being "Walter" either! Oh, I guess it's not that hard, it's just not fun. Now the first 12 years of my life I was known as W.C. because my dad is named Walter and besides, you just can't call a baby, Walter! Can you? By the time I reached 7th grade, at age 17, no 12, I began to realize that W.C. was not a real name. I was tired of being called by just 2 letters. Of course the name Walter, makes you sound like a grown-up, the dull kind, the 39 year old kind, the kind that sits behind a newspaper and watches news. Guess where I got that image from. So, on the first day of the 7th grade, I made up my mind that when 8th grade started I would be known as Walt. Yes, I waited a whole year! Walter is Patient! Walt is a little sportier than Walter. In case you're wondering, my middle name, Combs, would have been very uncool. Being cool is important. I always wanted to be cool! It would have been easier with a name like Ben or Matt or Skip. From then on, I was cool. I wore cool clothes, not the shirts buttoned all the way to my Adams apple. No, shirts with flowers, green wide wale corduroy pants, 4 inch Santa Claus belts. I talked out more in class. I was the occasional class clown, even got into trouble once or twice. Oh well, I've done what I could. See my previous post about corporal punishment!
What well known people are named Walter? Actor, Walter Brennan, played an old man his entire 60 year career. Even in his twenties, he played this crippled guy with no teeth. He was lovable though. Walter Mondale. Who? What? Boring, if not memorable. Couldn't even get elected president. Walter was the name of Meg Ryan's fiancee in Sleepless in Seattle. He was the corny guy with asthma and 101 allergies. He was a nice guy, but didn't get the girl.. On The Bill Cosby Show, Theo's friend, Cockroach..real name is Walter. I'd change it to Cockroach, too. Of course there was Walt Disney. Guess he couldn't get anywhere with Walter either. In case your name is Walter, don't give up! Just try a little harder!

This has been a strange and bewildering year. An adventurous year for Walter. You know I first put my life in the hands of Dr. D and the Gas Girl. Then I entrusted another portion of my lifestyle and eating habits, to Dr. K. And then, I allowed a dietician to order even further dietary restrictions. I'm rebelling against that one! The next one is prophetic. Remember the bible verse where either Paul or John or I know, it was Peter. I know it wasn't Walter because there is no Walter in the bible. Anyway this disciple was told that when he was old he would stretch out his arms and he would be led where he did not want to go. Well that happened to me last night! Dance lessons! I'm 55 and never danced, for a reason. I think most people look silly and if I dance, I know I'll look silly! Perhaps if my name were Dillion or Hawkeye it would be different. I have a fear of anyone seeing my bottom making motions other than sitting, standing or running. It was actually fun, sort of. But, I still don't get it. I felt like a stick figure just mechanically following orders. I was with friends and a lot of them were doing the same thing. The other thing was the music. When I think of dancing, I automatically don't think of country. You know why they call it county music? Because you're supposed to play it way out in the country, where only cows and chickens and horses can hear it! I wanted to hear Beach Boys or Dion or maybe Frank Sinatra or The Platters. I guess it's like playing piano, it's not supposed to feel right the first time. It would be great to go to the clubs like Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers. We'll work on it.

I will have my first grandson probably next week. I hope all of this is preparing me to be a fit grandfather for all of my grandchildren. I want to take them fishing, swimming, and play tennis with them. His name will be Hudson. When he's 13, he can change to Hud if he likes.

Last words: Don't be afraid of change. If it doesn't kiil you, it might make you better. On the other hand, if it does, better luck next time. - Waldo

Disclaimer: if you don't understand some of this, read ALL of the earlier posts. You wouldn't start reading a recipe or an algebra book from the middle would you? I wouldn't at all! If after you read the other posts, you still don't understand, try bull running or working for the IRS.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hi guys!

Didja ever have childhood heroes? In the fifties it just about had to be a cowboy. My favorite one was Roy Rogers. He was played by Roy Rogers. He was a clean, respectable cowboy, thru and thru! I saw Roy Rogers on the tube today and truly it was laughable. He was shooting it out with these bad guys on a desert mountain range. It was two against one. The bad guys had elevation and trajectory on their side. But Roy had goodness and a white hat on his side. And these two dogs. One of them was a German Shepherd. The other was an Airedale or something. He looked like a large Benji. The bad guys are shooting away and Roy is matching them bullet for bullet. He must have been packing a 29 shooter! The bad guy pulled his trigger and nothing happened. He pulled it again. Nothing. Could he out of bullets? To his credit, at least he didn't throw the gun at his worthy opponent. I'm not saying he wasn't playing with a full deck, but let's just say the cards were not well shuffled. By this time the dogs are upon them. Or is it, "up on them". Anyhow, although their tails are wagging happily, they are chewing one of the guys leg and growling madly. The other guy is still shooting. Finally they holler down, call off your dogs. Roy says, I will after you throw down your guns. Now a smart outlaw would have just shot the dog, but perhaps his hat was screwed on too tight. They throw down the guns and Roy calls off the dogs. Then the fight continues. One guy falls over the cliff, but he doesn't blow up like cars do. That always surprises me! Roy overcomes the other bad guy and proclaims, "The Picnic Is Over!". I don't know if you're a Clint Eastwood fan, but you can't help knowing the Dirty Harry lines. "Make My Day"."Feel Lucky, Punk?! Well do ya?" "A Man's Gotta Know His Limitations". Those are great. Roy Rogers comes up with "The Picnic Is Over!" To be fair, Clint Eastwood could probably say "Green Beans and Potatoe Salad" and bad guys everywhere would just wet their pants. His westerns were pretty good too. I love the music from Hugo Montenegro in The Good, Bad and the Ugly. Bytheway, my new grandson will be named Hudson. I was pulling for Hugo, because all the Hugo's I know are successfull. Victor Hugo, the famous writer of Les Miserables, Hunchback of Notre Dame and others. If you like football you will like Hunchback of Notre Dame. He was the best Hunchback, Notre Dame ever had. I'm not saying the book is about football, just that you might like it. There's Hugo Montenegro, who I believe also wrote the theme song for "I Dream of Jeannie". Yeah, that's the show with Barbara Eden playing the blond Jeannie with the cute belly button. Only thing I remember about that show is the theme song. And Larry Hagman, who starred in Dallas and, Bill Dailey who was the neighbor on the Bob Newhart Show. Don't remember much about the cute blond with the little Genie outfit on at all. And then there's Hugo on "Lost:. know any others?
Here's the other thing about cowboys. How many bullets did they carry anyway? And when the good guys get shot, they get right back up, just like the trees at Six Flags after the train passes by, only they're smarter than wood, a little. The Doc in the civil war picture I saw today got shot almost in the heart, and the Union Officer had to remove it, the bullet, not the heart. The Doc had to be awake, so he took one swig of whiskey and gave the Officer instructions to go in with the bullet retractors and pull the bullet out. The next day he was up and around like nothing had happened. I saw Humphrey Bogart do the same thing in, I think, "To Have and Have Not".You guys that never watched the old classics have got to get with it!!
For {baby) names, I kind of like Harvey, like Jimmy Stewart. That's a cute name, that's not so common! Hudson is cool too! They were classic race cars around 1952. They blew everything off the road! Big long monster of a car. No coincidence that they used a Hudson for the cartoon character, voiced by Paul Newman in the animated feature, "Cars". Paul Newman also played a character names Hud in a movie called "Hud".

Oh well, everyone sleep tight and if you're one of the lucky few that get to stay home in 1 centimeter of snow, snuggle up with a bowl of soup and a good old movie! Good night!