Saturday, March 14, 2009

Walter Report - What's in a name?

Hello Friends!
I happen to have a good solid reliable name, "Walter". That name says, safe, dependable, status quo, boring, dull. I can relate to Kermit the Frog when he says "It's not easy being green". It's not easy being "Walter" either! Oh, I guess it's not that hard, it's just not fun. Now the first 12 years of my life I was known as W.C. because my dad is named Walter and besides, you just can't call a baby, Walter! Can you? By the time I reached 7th grade, at age 17, no 12, I began to realize that W.C. was not a real name. I was tired of being called by just 2 letters. Of course the name Walter, makes you sound like a grown-up, the dull kind, the 39 year old kind, the kind that sits behind a newspaper and watches news. Guess where I got that image from. So, on the first day of the 7th grade, I made up my mind that when 8th grade started I would be known as Walt. Yes, I waited a whole year! Walter is Patient! Walt is a little sportier than Walter. In case you're wondering, my middle name, Combs, would have been very uncool. Being cool is important. I always wanted to be cool! It would have been easier with a name like Ben or Matt or Skip. From then on, I was cool. I wore cool clothes, not the shirts buttoned all the way to my Adams apple. No, shirts with flowers, green wide wale corduroy pants, 4 inch Santa Claus belts. I talked out more in class. I was the occasional class clown, even got into trouble once or twice. Oh well, I've done what I could. See my previous post about corporal punishment!
What well known people are named Walter? Actor, Walter Brennan, played an old man his entire 60 year career. Even in his twenties, he played this crippled guy with no teeth. He was lovable though. Walter Mondale. Who? What? Boring, if not memorable. Couldn't even get elected president. Walter was the name of Meg Ryan's fiancee in Sleepless in Seattle. He was the corny guy with asthma and 101 allergies. He was a nice guy, but didn't get the girl.. On The Bill Cosby Show, Theo's friend, Cockroach..real name is Walter. I'd change it to Cockroach, too. Of course there was Walt Disney. Guess he couldn't get anywhere with Walter either. In case your name is Walter, don't give up! Just try a little harder!

This has been a strange and bewildering year. An adventurous year for Walter. You know I first put my life in the hands of Dr. D and the Gas Girl. Then I entrusted another portion of my lifestyle and eating habits, to Dr. K. And then, I allowed a dietician to order even further dietary restrictions. I'm rebelling against that one! The next one is prophetic. Remember the bible verse where either Paul or John or I know, it was Peter. I know it wasn't Walter because there is no Walter in the bible. Anyway this disciple was told that when he was old he would stretch out his arms and he would be led where he did not want to go. Well that happened to me last night! Dance lessons! I'm 55 and never danced, for a reason. I think most people look silly and if I dance, I know I'll look silly! Perhaps if my name were Dillion or Hawkeye it would be different. I have a fear of anyone seeing my bottom making motions other than sitting, standing or running. It was actually fun, sort of. But, I still don't get it. I felt like a stick figure just mechanically following orders. I was with friends and a lot of them were doing the same thing. The other thing was the music. When I think of dancing, I automatically don't think of country. You know why they call it county music? Because you're supposed to play it way out in the country, where only cows and chickens and horses can hear it! I wanted to hear Beach Boys or Dion or maybe Frank Sinatra or The Platters. I guess it's like playing piano, it's not supposed to feel right the first time. It would be great to go to the clubs like Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers. We'll work on it.

I will have my first grandson probably next week. I hope all of this is preparing me to be a fit grandfather for all of my grandchildren. I want to take them fishing, swimming, and play tennis with them. His name will be Hudson. When he's 13, he can change to Hud if he likes.

Last words: Don't be afraid of change. If it doesn't kiil you, it might make you better. On the other hand, if it does, better luck next time. - Waldo

Disclaimer: if you don't understand some of this, read ALL of the earlier posts. You wouldn't start reading a recipe or an algebra book from the middle would you? I wouldn't at all! If after you read the other posts, you still don't understand, try bull running or working for the IRS.

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