Monday, July 13, 2009

A-Spare-Ag-Us the Drama!

Again, friends,
I don't care what you think, oh well, I do, but when I know I'm right, I just don't give a fig. Since I don't like figs, that's very little. Because I like President George H Bush and I like what he said about Broccoli and I'll defend his right to say it!! So Broccoli growers, you can just go ahead and boycott my little enterprise, both of you! In case you don't remember, George put it this way.

I don't like broccoli, it's plain to see,
And you won't receive an apology.
I would not eat it with steak and peas,
I would not eat it with mac and cheese.
I would not like it with apple pie.
And like George Washington, I cannot lie.

I would not eat it with Doris Day,
Or in cake or creme souffle.
I would not eat it with chips and dip,
Not on a boat or plane or even a ship.
I would not eat it with green eggs and hamn,
I do not like it worth a - flip!

It looks like something you'd feed a goat,
What's that you say, I've lost your vote!
Well bring me some broccoli with chocolate syrup,
Whipped cream and nuts for my dessert.
I'll eat the broccoli and lick the platter,
Just vote for me and forget the latter.

Sorry, here's what he really said:

“I do not like broccoli. And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I'm President of the United States and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli.

Go George! I have since come to like Broccoli, but have untoward sentiments about asparagus. So Asparagus Growers, sit on it! I recently received an email from a kind relative explaining the benefits of asparagus with regards to cancer. Between asparagus and cancer, I'll choose asparagus, but between asparagus and anything else, I'll choose anything else! My first experience with asparagus was as a child in the monster house I grew up in. You must read my early posts, and try to keep up! I was seven and my sister was 11. Now I'm 55 and she's 51. Whatever! Mom cooked something new, which she rarely did. I barely liked corn and peas and now she wanted to try asparagus, from a can no less. Canned corn, peas, green beans are no problem, but if you want me to eat adult vegetables, they better be fresh and very nearly raw. Well, I gagged down as much as I could, but my sister, being smarter and also more wicked, tried passing it to the dog. The dog nearly vomited! It's a protective reflex. So, she just put the asparagus in a napkin, hidden in her lap, and after supper, went out to the front yard and threw it down the embankment. She later opened a successful restaurant, heck, if we're lying, let's say a chain of successful restaurants, called "Asparagus On The Side". You can order anything, and it comes with asparagus on the side. For a fee you can have them leave the asparagus off altogether. But, if you really get into the spirit of things, you can have the waiter take your asparagus and throw it down the embankment!! One famous customer whose name I won't mention wanted to drop his asparagus from the presidential helicopter.He wanted his supper to go and if you eat asparagus, you will Go!
The poop on asparagus, oh, excuse me, the story on asparagus is that you should take a tablespoon of concentrated asparagus at breakfast and before going to bed. Some like it hot, some like it cold, some like it in the pot, nine days old! If that means nothing to you, then we have really lost our way. You can have it hot like tea or cold like juice. You can sprinkle it on your grits or you can make a green paste to spread alongside ketchup for a colorful Christmas meatloaf! I say, put it in a pill! I did try grilled asparagus and crunchy grilled asparagus with some oily stuff on it is quite good! Of course you could smoke it. I tried but it wouldn't stay lit, so I'm not sure.

Listen, if I get cancer, I'll take a bath in asparagus, start smoking (just so I can stop), take omega 3, do yoga, fly to Mexico for experimental drugs, become a vegetarian, well maybe, but until then PFFTTFFTTPTH!

So remember this:

Eat, what you love,
And skip, what you hate.
Cuz, you are what you eat,
Minus what you eliminate!

Good night and good health to you!

P.S. If you love asparagus, I still love you. Just don't bring it in the house!.

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