Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dead Politician Society

Hello people..sorry..Hello friends,

I am 99% disgusted! Does anyone understand what is going on out there?? Not me. We just had this 18 month long series of debates and elections to determine who would be the person most fit to lead our nation. Well now he's in there and in less than one month he has spent equal to 1 million dollars for for every day since the birth of Christ! When I was born, you could have bought General Motors for one million dollars! When my great grandfather was born you could have bought the entire western half of the United States of America for one million dollars! These days you can't even get a skinny blond to sing for one million dollars. Okay, I am a small thinker. If I won the lottery, I would have to give away all but maybe 5 million. Of course after five days, I guess I'd be broke, what with the cost of living. Assuming I'm just simple minded, lets say we need 700 billion dollars to right the economy. O-KAY! A diverse organization comprised of geniuses, arrived at this number. How? I'm guessing, a number this large must have been derived by utilizing a multiplying factor, like for instance, the number of nose hairs on a blind buffalo. Or is it buffaloe? Help me out, Quayle! If you were planning a project, like building a tower or a barn or an airport or something, wouldn't you account for the things you would need? How much cement, windows, two by fours, lights, asphalt, manpower etc, etc, etc? Well wouldn't you?! I guess that's what they did. Maybe they determined that this money should be used to create jobs for the same people who had lost jobs. Maybe they planned to stimulate big and small business, thereby creating those jobs. Or maybe they just listened to any crackpot who had his hand out. $40 million to study sheep burping, 60 million to protect the little picas in the desert hills from global warming. There are endless numbers of idiotic ideas being funded. You know, if they didn't need all of that money, they could just put some of it back!! But, I know of some worthy ideas! Some I have mentioned before, so I will repeat. Lucky you!
1. Build a pipeline from flood prone cities to drought prone cities. When the floods come, send the excess water to Georgia. We never have enough. Put turbines inside the pipeline to use for hydro energy.Release water into streams for trout fishing. I've never seen a trout, fishing. Or whistling. Nor have I seen a horse, fly. Olive Oil used to sing, "Did you ever see a dream, walking? Well, I did" The water could provide rapids for rafting and eventually water for drinking, for restaurants, car washes and anyone who needs it. This would be invaluable!
2. Build a wall, not a fence, but a wall, across the Mexican border. This would take years and lots of building materials and workers. This would be no ordinary wall. This wall would be of biblical proportions. It would contain housing, a mall. a jail, schools, government buildings, a stadium. If the ball goes over the wall, just leave it. It would be a linear city. You could show drive in movies on this wall. You have surveillance cameras all along and precinct stations all along the top of the wall. You have a Krispy Creme Donut shop and a Starbucks every 5 miles. If someone approaches the wall, they are first issued a verbal warning by loud speaker. Then they are shot with paintball guns, to let them know they are in range. Then, if they do not retreat. we shoot them with the real stuff. Of course they can come through proper channels and be considered for admission as legal aliens. We build a small enclosed city where they can live and work and prove themselves. Only 500 at a time can be admitted and they must remain there for one year before they are allowed to enter the Magic Kingdom of the United States of America. Yes, I think we should change that from United States of America, to the Magic Kingdom of the United States of America. The MKUSA.
3. Develop small cities to work within themselves. In my senior year in high school, I worked at a place called Grant City South. It was named after the anchor store which was Grants department store. It didn't function like a city. It was just a shopping center. But, you could build a city around a 3-story Super Fine WalMart store. You feature moderately priced apartments on the second floor. About 40% of the inhabitants would work in the store. All of your shopping needs would be met in-house. There would be a subway/elevated train for those who worked outside the complex. The first stop would be a park and ride if you chose to keep your car. The third floor would feature luxury townhomes. There would be some middle and upscale resturants, a swimming pool, a theater and tennis courts. Everything you need would be right there. What could be better? Okay, you could have WalMart By The Sea on the Florida coast.
4. Stop paying farmers to not grow stuff! Start paying them to grow things we need. If jobs are scarce and people are working for minimum wages, why can't we just give them the food and put some to work on those farms. Why can't we use this money to teach people some skills?

Okay, this is not fun reading is it? I'm sorry. I really am, but I have to write what's on my mind and humor just took a vacation. I probably wouldn't be writing at all if I hadn't just watched ............... Dead Poet Society.
It's a movie with Robin Williams and Ethan Hawke. If you are a "House" fan, Ethan is the guy who plays Wilson, the only friend of Dr. House. He always plays this conflicted, tormented, character. It's a film about this unconventional prep school teacher (Williams) who is trying to teach the students to be themselves, to think for themselves, to achieve what they are here for. Unfortunately, for most of the students, their parents have so strong of a hold on them that they can not break free and become what they ought. If you watch it, you might want to turn it off after the part where he gets the lead in a local play. It's get sad after that, but it's a good movie.

I am tired of not being funny. Right now my life is good but not very funny.

This too will pass! Good night loved ones!.

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