Monday, February 2, 2009

Willie B or won't he?

Hi guys!

I haven't written anything intellectual in a while, so I think I'll stick with that. I have let more people in my life, my business, my personal stuff in the last 5 weeks than I have for the last 25 years. The latest is the dietitian. What do you have to do to be a dietitian? I suppose if you grew up in Dietician Republic you could claim to be a dietitian and skip all of the school. My doctor said mix the lime with the coconut, make you feel better, mix the lime with the coconut and call me in the morning (Harry Nielsen). No, he said run from potatoes!(help me Quayle) That way you get the exercise and you don't eat the potatoes. He also said no cokes or tea. Now you know when he says no cokes he means no classic coke and when he says no tea, he obviously means no sweet iced tea. And what durn fool would be drinking pepsi or Big K anyway? No white rice, no white bread. I like him. It hurt a little but it was over quickly. Another of my nurse friends explained to me that I should not totally avoid potatoes because if I don't eat some carbs, my brain will start sucking the protein out of my muscles and organs. It would soon starve on that stockpile! I suspect my mental abilities must have waned noticeably, thus the friendly advice. The dietitian says I can eat a little of anything as long as it has no sugar, no carbs, no fat and basically no taste. Actually she said I can eat sandwiches, corn, peas in small quantities. I think my wife has a thimble somewhere that I can use. I can eat meat but it can't be bigger than my hand..without the fingers. Needless to say I'm doing hand stretching exercises, because I am suddenly aware of how tiny my hands are! I usually go for the foot sized portions, which can be embarrassing in restaurants. I feel like that great Atlantan..that icon..the amazing Willie B. You know him, the Gorilla at the zoo. He is something like 47 years old. No one had laid a hand on him for about 20 years, so before they moved him to his new habitat they had to tranquilize him and give him a physical. About the same for me! He was named after the mayor of Atlanta who also had the Atlanta Airport named after him. Maynard Jackson. No, that's not right. Let's see, Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson Airport. It must have been Willie B Hartsfield. You see how I could get that confused don't you? He doesn't look anything like I remember Mayor Hartsfield. I must be short on carbs!

I hope y'all celebrated Ground Hog Day. We did! We had some special groundhog barbeque and other stuff. We played a game called hand and foot with some dear friends. All together we've known each other for about 750 years, if you add it all up. You know when you see advertisements stating over "over 50 years experience" it means they have about 25 employees who average about 2 years apiece in the industry. Of course, we played by the new "Village Rules". I have little sense when it comes to cards, but I have learned to enjoy it anyway. I have my own set of rules which work well for me. Rule 1. Don't worry about who's gonna win the game. It won't be me so who cares? 2. Don't worry about what the other players are doing. They will worry enough for everyone. 3. Take risks with your strategy. What's the most you could lose? Do not take risks with your retirement. 4. Interact as much as possible. Cards are what you play while you're busy having fun. 5. If you happen to win, do not claim any credit. Your friends will feel better knowing it was an accident rather than having been outwitted by an idiot. Bottom line is, an evening doing anything with friends is hard to beat!

Well it's darkthirty and I'm not hearing any fireworks! What gives? No one cares about Ground Hogs Day? Well it's no wonder our countrys gone to pot. Hmmmph!

Good night! remember, you live in the South and that's a blessing right there by itself!

disclaimer: if you don't understand some of this, read ALL of the earlier posts. You wouldn't start reading a recipe or an algebra book from the middle would you? I wouldn't at all! If after you read the other posts, you still don't understand, try bull running or working for the IRS.

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