Monday, May 18, 2009

You Look Like The Kind Of Angel I'd Get!

Hello readers from all over the world and Stockbridge! Let the reader understand, please, that if you read this, you are my friend. It's in the contract. Please click one of the items to the right! They are designed with you in mind. In fact, this whole blog is brought to you by the items on the right. I will make it a point to try to use all of these products myself! Jets quarterback, Joe Namath wore pantie hose, so how could I do less. Go ahead, google the u-tube, but come right back! One of the earliest phrases I can remember from TV was "brought to you by". I was five or six years old and thought they were saying "brontayou" , but I knew it meant they made it possible.
So, in "It's a Wonderful Life" when Jimmy Stewart (George Bailey) tries to take his own life, he is assigned an old fuddy-duddy angel, Clarence Oddbody AS2. That's Angel Second Class - with no wings. On finding this out, George sighs, You look like the kind of angel I'd get. The little pesky memos to the side look like the kind of ads I'd get! Now you sponsors, don't get your socks in a knot!. My friends will click on your ads and they'll buy your stuff if I have to put fleas on their dogs myself. One or two of them seem to wear garlic around their necks already, what with the vampire craze that's going on. My friends have dogs and they love them. One friend even opened a doggie day care. Ok, Chow Mein, are you out there?The best personal dog story I can remember, what? Don't tell about the story-just tell the story? Ok got it. When I was a kid, about nine, we lived in an old 2-story nightmare inducing house on Capital Ave in Atlanta Ga. For you "Out Of Towners" (another great movie-the original with Jack Lemon and Sandy Dennis) Capital Ave is the main drag leading into downtown Atlanta passing Turner Field (Atlanta Braves stadium) and culminating at the state capital. The worst ghouls I could imagine at that age were skeletons. If they had put vampires in fairy tales, I would never have closed my eyes at night. Imagine Fairy Vampires! Oh Yeah, right, George Hamilton did that for us already in "Love At First Bite". Not that I'm endorsing that movie, unless it's one of the annoying items on the side bar. My Great Uncle John, Great Aunt Rose and 2nd cousin Michael lived upstairs. We were all out raking leaves in the back yard, one fall day and everyone was pitching in, except Uncle John. 2nd cousin Michael simply called him John. Well our toy fox terrier did what everyone else wished they had done. Since Uncle John was standing there, doing his tree imitation (not raking) Squeagie hiked his left rear leg and took a leak on Uncle John. My grandmother Sweatt, named the dog Squeagie, because she had his brother, who was named Weagie, so it just made sense. I'm not sure anyone else could have pulled off that little trick. Especially the ladies. Don't even think about it. Also, that's how you know if your dog is left legged or right. They always seem to raise their left leg. I guess girls are ambidextrous. That's probably why they get pregnant!
Anyway, this has got to get better. I've been doing this one days, er day, and I have only one click, and I think my wife did that! Come on people! At this rate, some day I can afford to write and chew gum at the same time.
I did have a nightmare the other night. I dreamed I was in Mayberry North Carolina, home of Andy Griffith. Floyd the barber, was on leave and I reluctantly agreed to fill in. It was actually Floyd's hair I was cutting. I guess he usually went to Mount Pilot to get his own hair cut. I had no idea where to begin, so I started in the back and kept cutting until there was practically no hair left. Then I started on the top. It was big greasy mess and the more I cut, the more there seemed to be left. I knew when Floyd saw himself in the mirror he would blow a gasket! It was just awful! Goober was standing there making snide remarks. It was just awful! I beat everything. You know that!
I have a real job to go to in a few hours, so better hang this up. I would love to take you all to lunch some day, but I don't think there is a restaurant small enough!
I have to quote Randy Disher, of Monk fame! I think he got this from Donald Rumsfield.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not, knows more than he who knows not and knows not that he knows not! Wish I'd thought of that!

It's getting flea season and your puppy deserves not to have fleas this year and you deserve not to have them in your home. Remember?? EUREKA!!! Now I know what those insane signs are in everyone's back car window! get flea treatment for your dog! Get the stuff now and be ahead of the game!
That's a Wrap!


Jacob said...

Good post! I got the idea that you want people to click on the ads, so I did. I clicked on the ad about garlic juice and they had information about a more interesting use (at least to me) than flea protection - bass fishing! They claim that bass love it, and they tell you how to use it, so all you fishermen out there should click that link and check it out!

Walt Lewis said...

Thanks, Jacob,
I actually earned $2.21 because you a a few others clicked on some ads. I'll keep writing and everyone keep clicking!

Hannah said...

I clicked on some for you!