Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Back In The Saddle Agsin

Hi guys,
Yesterday I couldn't think of anything even dull to write. My head was on empty, like when the needle goes into the red and the little gas icon lights up and it starts dinging. Not chugging yet though. I'm not doing great in the shopping department lately. The Wal Mart cashier called me a hater for appearing not to like her singing. The Wendy's lady thought I looked 55. I bought unsliced ham. It had stripes on it, as though it were sliced. Sounds like a James Bond line, "I'll have mine gently smoked, striped, but not sliced:' Then I ran out of mayonnaise. I've run out of closets, pool halls and locker rooms, but never out of mayonnaise. How the elephant got into my pajamas, I'll never know! Sorry, wrong punch line. I got some mayonaise and when I removed the lid, there was no protective seal. Wild and Crazy Guy that I am, I ate some anyway. Afterall, there was no warning, advising not to consume products if the seal were broken or missing. Could I die? We'll see. When I put the lid back on it wouldn't tighten. If you keep turning it, it loosens it's grip.Are double its allowed? It's like a Hitchcock thriller! You know since Psycho was originally filmed in black and white, they used chocolate syrup instead of blood, in the shower scene, because it flows so well. Could you imagine Janet Leigh with chocolate syrup all over her! Make your own comments here. Besides that, when I was a kid, we didn't keep maynoaise in the fridgerator at all, and I lived! I used to make a ham sandwich everyday and put it in the glove box of my car, with the old metal dashboard. Then at lunch I would retrieve the sandwich and it would be hot! And I lived!. So, don't worry about me. Talk about globule warming, I had it in the sixties.
The Atlanta Zoo reply-all fiasco continues. Yesterday this lady replys to all, with a hint of frustration and anger in her message. She reply-alls, " WOULD EVERYONE PLEASE STOP ASKING ME FOR TICKETS TO ZOO ATLANTA. I AM NOT AFFILIATED WITH ZOO ATLANTA IN ANY WAY AND CAN NOT GET TICKETS FOR ANYONE!". It's cheap entertainment!
As previously stated, I do not understand the economy. Our nation seems to be in terrible debt. I suggest they write down everything they spend for a month and look it over to see what they can do without. I really think with all that's going on, they could shelf implementation of HDTV or whatever they call it. My tv is just fine. Except how about line item veto on the channels? The high muckety mucks have appointed a cabinet member whose first priority is to oversee implementation of Digital tv. I had a digital exam once and it reminds me of this. Could be the same deal! We seem to have had 700 billion dollars or was it trillion. Who cares anymore? When you get over a hundred thousand, you lost me. I guess we gave 350 billion to the banks to straighten out the mortgage mess. Now we have 350 billion left that nobody seems to know what to do with. Can't we just put it back? Or pay down the National Debt? Here's my favorite idea of all. Give it to Tom Cruise, so he'll never have to make another motion picture again. I can't believe he made all of the Mission Impossible characters turn into traitors and he alone was the good guy. How very Tom Cruiseish of him! That's like finding out June and Ward Cleaver were drug dealers and Beaver grew up to be Charlie Manson! Disgusting!! Or Adolph Hitler, disguised himself as Lawrence Welk and had a Saturday night hit musical variety show for 10 years running. It does seem like everyone on that show were Gentiles! If I keep making statements like that, i'll find out who's really reading! You'll never know if it was the Lawrence Welk comment or the mayonaise!

Guess I'm setting my self up for nightmares - hope you can sleep ok. Oh no, here comes Mean Mr. Mustard. Hope you hear from me tomorrow!

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