Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sim-ply hav-ing a wonderful Christmas time!

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas everybody! Merry Christmas building and loan! If you don't recognize that line you HAVE to watch "It's a Wonderful Life". I'm dead serious, you'll thank me later! And, you'll slap your mother. Hmmph! never seen "It's a Wonderful Life"! No kidding, if I have to waste my whole post to convince you, it would be worth it!! But you're smart, and I won't have to do that. Some day when I'm all caught up I may write my autobieulogy. That's what it's called when you write your own eulogy - from now on. I think I just coined a new word. How much do I get for that? Maybe just royalities. I'd be happy with a quarter everytime someone says autobieulogy. I would do writing workshops on that. My eulogy would start out, "Now of what you are about to hear, I am dead serious. Maybe this time you will believe me. I really don't like casseroles, chesse on brockley, grits, ice cream or much of anthing except pizza or hamburger, none of which would interest me at the moment". But it's Christmas time and I don't want to think about writing about dying right now.
I've been Christmas shopping and having a pretty good time. I had Christmas music on the radio, until they played Christmas Shoe and Blue Christmas back to back. That was about all I could take. Christmas Shoe is still dumb. I had to hear it once more to be sure. I think I'm right! There was a Beach Boys cd playing so things were fine again. Of course the stores were playing Christmas music. I missed church this morning but made it for Sunday school. We shared about the good and bad of the year 2008 for our families. Some lost jobs, some got jobs, some lost parents, some gained grandchildren. Evryone shared that there were some peaks and some valleys this year. You just have to remember when you are in the valley, that you were on a peak and you will be on a peak again and remember to take God with you to both. "It's a Wonderful Life" is about a guy named George Bailey. who was in the bigest slump and it looked like he might go to jail for something that was not his doing. He finally came to the conclusion that his family would be better off if he was dead and they collected on his life insurance policy. Then Clarence Oddbody ASII (Angel second class) shows up to show George what the world would have been like if he'd never been born. He says, "You look like the kind of angel I'd get".
other lines:
I was saving up for a divorce in case I ever get me a husband.
Teacher says, When a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.
You call this a home, why do we have to have all of these kids?
George Bailey lasso's the stork.
Zu Zu's petals!
No man is poor if he has friends.
To my brother, the richest man in town.
There's a million of them!
You have to watch this movie,

Merry Christmas!

Watch it!!!

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