Friday, December 5, 2008

Cold December Morn

Hi guys,
There's a song in that title somewhere, "Cold December Morn". I can hear Johnny Cash singin it now with that deep shaky voice he used to have.
All my friends are in jail, and there's no gifts under my tree,
My wife's says there's surefire something bad wrong with me.
Why, me and Jimmy can't even crack corn, (who cares)
And it's a "Cold December Morn".
I'll finish that one day. One really slow day. You never know who to trust. My internet provider tells me that face page may have a problem. Something called Koob Worm Face. I won't worry about it until it shows in the mirror. I quit taking the fish oil a week or so ago. They said the Koob Worm Face could be a phish problem. Those fellers really can't spell worth a wooden jelly bean! I'm going to a White Elephant Party at work. No their not bashing John McCain. I'm compiling a list of things to get for a white elephant.
1. Lady shick
2.under everything deordorant - elephant deodorant.
3. big fan to supplement #2-either way you want to take it.
4. a Michael Jackson skull.
5. pajamas. safari hunter: I once shot an elephant in my pajamas. How it got there, I'll never know! - Groucho Marx. Now she couold have her own.
6. fly swatter.
7. annual pass from Zoo Atlanta
8. a weekend at Jimmy Carter's
Next time you see an elephant in the living room, don't just sit there, get some newspaper!
. Think I'll take the rest of the night off. Just not feeling the vibes. Bytheway, Brian Wilson's mother inspired him to write "Good Vibrations". She told him how dogs pick up on vibrations from people. That's why dogs like some people and not others. I guess he figured that might work with girls. Like the one at wal mart who called me a hater. Works both ways. Another thing dogs pick up on is turkey juice. Get some of that on your fingers and they'll climb all over you!
Good night!

1 comment:

Jacob said...

Very funny! Keep it up, Dad. I like the song. You should finish it.